Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas in a Whole New Light

The countdown to Christmas has officially begun and I have never been so excited about it! As I move further along in my journey I find that there is a new, more powerful meaning to the Christian holidays that have been commercialized beyond belief. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy shopping for gifts (and receiving them!) and the weekends that are packed with parties and get-togethers of all sorts, and even dragging down 5 boxes of Christmas ornaments, lights and knick-knacks, only to choose my favorites and pack the three boxes worth that are left back into the attic. My husband and I discussed our options for the ever-important Christmas dinner menu this evening and are looking forward to our annual Christmas shopping weekend in Cincinnati.
All of these things are exciting in themselves, but I am now seeing it all in a whole new light...the light of Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for that star that led the wise men to meet our Savior. I have always known the real reason for Christmas, but it isn't until now that I ever really thought about what my life, what our lives, would be like today if Christ had not been born to us so long ago.
In the midst of the debates regarding the most politically correct way to wish someone a "Merry Christmas," I obviously choose to say it to everyone I can. As someone that is still fighting the inner battle of coming across as "too Christian", I consider this to be open-season on spreading the Good News. Despite what the media might lead us to believe, in my experience, most non-Christians are not offended by the salutation, and in fact, it could end up being the opening line of my testimony. How exciting to think that in my dilemma of how to purchase presents for all the loved ones on my list, I could be giving the highest-priced gift of all, that just happened to cost me absolutely nothing...the gift of God's grace, paid for by Jesus Christ, and hand-delivered by me...I don't even have to fight the crowd at the post office ;)

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